general in UnDeath "Community"

er er er, say whatever

today is april fools.

the day where... aprilers.... fool.... eachother...


i've got nothing for today.

did i already told my name is Johan?


if you're reading this then it means it is my birthday!

now, you may be asking...

" i care?".
and the answer is: no.


i haven't posted anything in almost a week.


but...what can i post?

i haven't got any ideas.

I had no idea this existed loll

I think i can draw something for showing dietale human's design

happy new year...?



-sans and papyrus interactions

-sans fight




-asgore fight

-asriel fight


i dont draw anything in some days...what can i draw?

today the internet died and came back some minutes ago

and we had to put to sleep our pet... (that were with us like 9 years)

me and my family were crying for most part of the day